A healthy weight is when you feel healthiest, energetic and happiest, inside and out. So, eat well, be active wherever you can and love yourself.
It is better to have a body in shape than to obsess about the shape of your body.
The first thing to know is there is no magic diet. We each have a weight range that’s right for us. Healthy weight is the weight range measured by your BMI (Body Mass Index) and linked to better health for a given height. It allows for a variety of body shapes and bone structures.
Are your too “weight conscious”? It’s possible. Many healthy weight women still try to shed pounds, and others who are overweight think they’re fine. It is important to be realistic. Look at your weight in relation to your overall health and well-being.
Healthy weight is about eating sensibly, being physically active and feeling good, not about monitoring bite.
Forget about fad diets. Yes, you may lose weight, but then it all come back. This yo-yo dieting leaves you heavier than your were to begin with and feeling far worse. Many fad diets get rid of entire food groups, which can lead to missing out on key nutrients.
Physiologically: Severe calorie-reduced diets turn on the body’s starvation mechanism. When in starvation mode, the body uses whatever fuel it can to make up for the shortfall of calories and doesn’t discriminate between muscle and fat. The trouble is, it is the amount of muscle we have that determines our calorie-burning potential, also known as our metabolism. So when we lose muscle we make it extremely difficult to maintain our healthy weight after the diet is over.
Psychologically: Drastic reducing diets leave most of us feeling deprived. Sure we lose weight, but none of us can sustain that kind of starvation diet for long. When we go off the diet, as we inevitably do, we treat ourselves to all of the things we missed. We can’t help it.
How many times have you heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Well, it is true. Eating breakfast is one of the most important things you can do to lose weight. During the night, your metabolism slows down and your blood sugar level drops.
Eating a balanced breakfast sets the body to burn fuel during the day.
Choose at least 3 food groups, and enough protein (at least 15 grams), will help you manage your weight better.
Think a little sip of Milo or Teh-Tarik now and then doesn’t really count? Think again. Your drink choices — from water and juice, to soft drinks, bubble tea, hot beverages and alcohol — have a great impact on your overall weight. Of course, you need to replenish your body regularly with fluids, especially water. When your body’s temperature rises during exercise, for example, water helps cool the body through perspiration. Water also helps dissolve and absorb nutrients, as well as carry waste products out of your body.
Starving your body of fluids can dehydrate you, which can cause fatigue, and a collapse of the circulatory system.
Healthy snacking can be a powerful weight control strategy. The right snack combinations prevent you from getting so hungry – you grab a bag of chips/fried bananas or chocolate. They also keep you satisfied so you don’t overeat at mealtimes and can help you meet your day’s nutrient needs. Choose 1-2 food groups include protein and fibre.
Cravings are often “false hunger”. If they hit your at the wrong moment, you may give in to high-calorie nutrient/poor treats like candy bars, chocolate, cookies, chips.
Surprisingly, craving are often caused by not eating enough protein at the previous meal.
Eat only when you’re really hungry. Get in tune with your body’s hunger signals – stomach starts growling or feeling low energy. Try not to eat mindlessly just because the food is there, or when you’re distracted (watching TV). Remember it takes time for the brain to register fullness (usually take about 20-30 minutes). Learn how to eat mindfully.
Being physical active is so important to weight management and health that we have to find something we like so that we’ll keep doing it.
Think of things you can do that are active and fun. Try Zumba, yoga, aquafit or aerobic dancing.
Again, being active is as important to a healthy weight as what we eat. You don’t have to be athletic or buy an expensive gym membership. Just be active 30-60 minutes a day, depending on the level of exercise. It will also help keep bones strong and reduce your risk of diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Keeping food and activity records before and after your start your weight loss program can be really helpful.
Your food log will tell you where your eating problems are and what habits you may need to change. Note the time, food choice and portion size and analyze the log once a week to gain insights into your eating habits.
If you don’t know how, your dietitian will work with you and help you figure it out. Also, an activity record will tell you where you could pick up the pace.

Seeking support from healthcare professionals, family members or friends will help you reach your goals. A dietitian can help you assess your eating habits, set achievable goals (SMART Goals) and put strategies in place for lasting change.
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