How To Keep Your Family Healthy While Traveling
Traveling as a family is exciting, but it can also expose us to new germs, disrupt routines, and increase the chances of feeling rundown. Don’t get me wrong—I l ...
Hi, Yeting here!
I love to sharing latest nutrition tips, recipes and feeding strategies.
Nutritional yeast, also called “nooch,” is a popular vegan food product with a savory, nutty or cheesy flavor. When I first heard the term “nutritional
Are you having difficulties choosing the right foods at the grocery? Do you feel lost when you look at the nutrition fact table? Do you
经常在社交媒体的群组里看到父母们为了刚出世就全身泛黄的小宝宝在发文求救,寻求最快退黄疸方式。身为父母的我们,每当听到小宝宝扎针抽血时的哭喊声,一定会心如刀割,心急如焚。所以才会到处寻找各种偏方,希望宝宝少受一点扎针之苦。 7年前的第一胎,曾经历长达两个月的母乳性黄疸。所以这一胎,我已提前为肚子里的两个宝宝即将会经历黄疸治疗做好一切的心理准备。 我的双胞胎宝宝终于在5月15日来到了我们的身边。 相信有follow我的 IG 的小伙伴们一定知道,我在过去的两个月里到低经历了什么。我们在COVID-19疫情最严峻的时期频密的往返 KK (Klinik Keshitan),带宝宝们各种验血验尿,两次进院照灯,最终被refer到了巴生中央医院 (HTAR) 的儿科专科。 新生儿黄疸 (Neonatal Jaundice, NNJ),正常吗? 新生儿的红血球(Hemoglobin)比成人多,它们的寿命也不长。当新生儿出生后,开始哭泣呼吸,肺循环须提供充分的氧气,这时体内过多的红血球因而被破坏。红血球被分解后,产生未结合胆红素(Unconjugated Bilirubin)。所以这意味着,这时新生儿体内会产生很多的胆红素。一般,胆红素不会引起黄疸,因为肝脏会代谢它并将其排出到肠道中。可是,因为新生儿肝功能尚未成熟,未结合胆红素无法有效经由肝脏代谢排出体外,因此沉积在皮肤表面而导致皮肤甚至巩膜(sclera)变成黄色。所以,黄疸是新生儿时期正常的生理现象。 新生儿黄疸分为生理性及病理性。 生理性黄疸 (Physiological Jaundice) 一般来说,足月宝宝的生理性黄疸通常是在出生后2~3天才出现的,第4天至5天达高峰期,一星期后就会慢慢消退,消退的时间一般不会超过2周。早产儿因为代谢能力差,黄疸消退的时间可能拖比较久,可延长至3周之久。 生理性黄疸通常不需要特殊治疗,除非黄疸出现过早或升高的速度太快、胆红素指数偏高。一般,父母只需在家观察,继续母乳喂养,1-2周后黄疸就会慢慢消退,不会对宝宝造成任何伤害。这就是为什么有些宝宝在满月前黄疸指数就已恢复安全水平,无需天天跑KK验血。 病理性黄疸 (Pathological Jaundice)
While we often view pregnancy as a “glowing” time, for many women the first trimester brings nausea, food aversions, and fatigue. Mom-to-be may also feel
今天的文章将会用中文来表达,因为这样比较能诠释我内心的情感。 THE GOOD NEWS 你喜欢先听坏消息还是好消息呢?我想你在2021年的第一天可能已经在我的社交媒体上看到了我和你们分享的好消息,我也陆续收到很多followers 的祝福,而且还有很多人私信说很期待这篇文章的出炉。是的,你可以从缩图和标题中看出来了,我想告诉大家的好消息就是 – 我怀孕了! 二胎的备孕过程真的是一条艰辛又漫长的路,我无数次幻想着我该如何写这篇文章,和身边所有人分享这份好消息。此外,这篇文章的另一个目的除了是要记录我这5年的备孕心酸过程,我也想和大家谈谈我的不孕症和流产的经历。 看别人分享怀孕,生孩子,坐月子的文章看多了,但是网络上确实很少看到文章分享和谈论不孕和流产的话题。事实上,4-6对夫妇里就会有一对夫妻面对不孕症问题,10-20%的女性曾经有过流产经历,所以我希望此文章能给正在备孕的姐妹们一些希望和正能量 ,you are not alone! MY FIRST PREGNANCY 一直长居加拿大的我在2011 年硕士毕业后,得到了一份很好的 job offer,于是就打包好行李独自一人来到了新的工作和居住环境,一个人生活。一直以来我和现任老公都是远距离恋爱,我过我的自由生活,他过他的忙碌打工日子。直到2012年的 Chinese New Year,他买了机票就这样飞了一天一夜来到了这个冰天雪地的国家,这是他第一次踏入北美洲,也是他第一次看见雪。短短的两个星期的假期,我被求婚了! 2012年12月,我回国,和他举办了一场浪漫的
You’ve heard that probiotics are important for good digestion and immune function. Does that mean you should supplement your kids? What strain will help provide
Traveling as a family is exciting, but it can also expose us to new germs, disrupt routines, and increase the chances of feeling rundown. Don’t get me wrong—I l ...
Feeding a picky eater can be challenging, often turning mealtimes into battles filled with stress, tears, and frustration. When a child refuses multiple meals o ...
When considering the most important nutrients for pregnant moms, many people immediately think of folic acid, iron, and perhaps Vitamin D. Similarly, when it co ...
When it comes to desserts and treats for children, finding the right balance is crucial. Restricting sweets can backfire. Research indicates that the more atten ...
So often in the media we hear about the obesity epidemic and how too many children are overweight or obese. But what about those on the flip side of the coin? S ...
If you're dealing with a picky eater who doesn't like meat, you might be concerned about their protein intake. There are plenty of nourishing non-meat protein s ...
All materials, opinions, advice, and information found on are for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from your healthcare provider, doctor, nutritionist, dietitian, or feeding specialist. The use of information provided on, including blogs, publications, recipes, emails from Simple Balance Nutrition, and content within Simple Balance Nutrition courses or other products, is at your own risk. We are not liable for any loss, injury, or damage that is caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by the use, application, or interpretation of any material from, publications, recipes, courses, products, or emails.
Tan Ye Ting, a registered dietitian under the Malaysia Allied Health Professions Council, is not your personal dietitian until a client service contract is signed and agreed upon by both parties. Always consult your doctor or healthcare provider regarding any concerns related to your or your child’s health and well-being or regarding any opinions expressed on this website.
Last updated: September 5, 2024
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