You’ve heard that probiotics are important for good digestion and immune function. Does that mean you should supplement your kids? What strain will help provide

If you have a toddler who has a meltdown at the thought of eating more than two bites of something green, you know that getting

Thalassemia is an inherited (i.e., passed from parents to children through genes) blood disorder that causes your body to make less hemoglobin or abnormal hemoglobin.

If your intake of calcium rich foods are low, or your doctor or dietitian has suggested a calcium supplement, it can be overwhelming to know

Thinking about getting pregnant? Since many pregnancies are not planned, all women who could become pregnant should take a daily prenatal multivitamin. It is recommended to

Recently, I have seen lots of mommy asking about probiotic supplements? Many health benefits about probiotics have been advertised, but it is often hard to
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Tan Ye Ting, a registered dietitian under the Malaysia Allied Health Professions Council, is not your personal dietitian until a client service contract is signed and agreed upon by both parties. Always consult your doctor or healthcare provider regarding any concerns related to your or your child’s health and well-being or regarding any opinions expressed on this website.
Last updated: September 5, 2024