Take The Fight Out of Food!

Take The Fight Out of Food!

Do you ever get frustrated by food and nutrition? Maybe you can’t figure out why you feel gassy and bloated after eating certain foods, have hard time making meals for your picky eaters or are unsure about which foods are best for particular health condition. I call these “food fights” – they represent times when you struggle with yourself or others about what to eat. It’s important to remember that food can be a source of joy and pleasure, and not a battleground.

Here are 5 of the common areas where we can end up in “food fights”, and each of these link to an information page with more tips and ideas.


If you’re fighting with food, try this 3 steps approach:

  1. Spot The Problem: Identify or define the specific nutrition problem that needs to be solved, since it’s causing a fight with food.
  2. Get The Facts: Decide what needs to be done to solve the problem, using reliable and credible sources.
  3. Seek Support: Put the plan into action with support from a dietitian, family and friends.

Over the next month, I will post examples of these “food fights” and walk you through how to get the facts and see support.

If you are struggling with one of these “food fights” in your home, I can help! Contact Me about starting a nutritional counselling program.

Adapted from the Dietitians of Canada’s Nutrition Month campaign materials. 

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