This is another granola recipe. I love to keep a jar of this on my counter, sprinkling it over yogurt. Have a look at the store-bought granola next time you have a chance. They are usually filled with sugars and saturated fat, really unhealthy and misleading.
Why not make your own granola? It is super easy to make a large batch, and the ingredients are healthy.
It is jam-packed with Omega, protein and fibre, all good stuff for you.
1/3cupof your favourite oil (canolo, sunflower), I like to use Avocado oil
Preheat oven to 350F
Combine all dry ingredients and mix. Mix vanilla extract, honey, coconut oil, and other oil in a glass and gently heat until combined. 10 seconds in the microwave or about 30 seconds on the stove. The trick here is to get the honey and the coconut oil to loosed up enough to combine with the oil.
Pour over the dry mixture and mix gently.
Spread out over a baking sheet and bake until browned and toasted, about 20-25 minutes. Stir it around every 10 minutes or so.
Let cool and store in a glass jar.
It makes the perfect 2 minutes breakfast or snack served with fruit and yogurt.
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM, 妊娠期糖尿病) occurs when blood sugar levels become high during pregnancy. It means the body cannot produce enough insulin (胰岛素), a hormone made by pancreases (胰腺), an organ located behind the stomach. Without sufficient insulin, the body cannot properly use and store carbohydrate (碳水化合物 or sugar) from the foods you eat.
During pregnancy, hormonal changes and weight gain can cause the body’s cell to use insulin less effectively, a condition knowns as Insulin Resistance. This resistance increases the body’s need for insulin. If the pancreases cannot produce enough insulin to meet this increased demand, gestational diabetes can develop.
All pregnant women experience some degree of insulin resistance in late pregnancy. However, some women have insulin resistance even before pregnancy, often due to being overweight. These women start pregnancy with a higher insulin need and are more likely to develop gestational diabetes.
You are more likely to have GDM if you have one or more of the following risk factors:
Age over 35 years
Previous pregnancy with GDM
Previously delivery of a large baby over 4 kg or 9 lbs
Family history with diabetes (parent, sibling with Type 2 Diabetes)
Previous stillbirth
Being overweight before pregnancy or gaining excessive weight during pregnancy
Belonging to a high-risk ethnic group (e.g., Aboriginal, Hispanic, South Asian, Asian or African descent)
Having multiple babies in this pregnancy (twins or triplets)
Having Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal disorder
If your GDM is not well controlled, high blood glucose levels can affect your baby. Your baby’s pancreas will produce extra insulin to manage this high glucose, and the excess glucose is stored as fat.
Untreated or uncontrolled GDM can lead to several issues for your baby, such as
Being born larger than normal (macrosomia), which can complicate delivery and pose risks
Experiencing low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) immediately after birth
Facing a higher risk of dying before or shortly after birth
Your baby may be more likely to become overweight and develop Type II Diabetes later in life
GDM can increase your chances of:
Developing high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia) and protein in the urine
Needing a C-section due to large baby
Experiencing GDM in future pregnancies
Having a higher risk of developing Type II Diabetes later in life
Finding out you have Gestational Diabetes can be overwhelming. As a mother-to-be, following your management plan will help ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Screening for GDM
Most pregnant women are screened between the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy. If you are at a high risk of GDM, your doctor may screen you earlier than 24 weeks and again later if the initial test is negative.
Tests for GDM
To determine if you have GDM, one or more of the following tests may be conducted:
(A) Screening Test for GDM
A 1-hour blood sugar measurement after consuming a 50-gram carbohydrate drink, done at ANY TIME of day.
If your blood sugar is less than 7.8 mmol/L, you DO NOT have GDM and no further testing is required.
If your blood sugar is over 11.1 mmol/L, GDM is diagnosed and treatment is needed.
If your blood sugar is between7.8 and11 mmol/L, your MAY have GDM and will need a 75-gram Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT 75 g).
(B) 75-gram OGTT
This test measures fasting blood sugar after 10 hours of fasting. Blood sugar is tested again 1 and 2 hours after a 75-gram carbohydrate drink.
There are 2 possible results:
1. GDM Diagnosis: if two or more of the following values are are met or exceeded:
Fasting blood sugar over 5.3 mmol/L
1-hour blood sugar over 10.6 mmol/L
2-hour blood sugar over 9 mmol/L
2. Impaired Glucose Tolerance: if one value is met or exceeded.
If diagnosed with either conditions, a management plan is essential to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
Blood Sugar Target
You’ll meet with a team of dietitians, nurses, and doctor to discuss your management plan. You blood sugar targets are:
Fasting blood sugar (before breakfast): less than 5.3 mmol/L
1 hour after meals: less than 7.8 mmol/L
2 hour after meals: less than 6.7 mmol/L
Nutrition Management
Eat 3 meals and 3 snacks daily
Spread carbohydrates throughout the day
Limit foods and drinks with added sugar
Choose higher-fibre foods more often
Include protein-rich foods in each meal and evening snack
Ensure adequate calcium and vitamin D intake daily
I have been going to yoga class every day right after work. I am super hungry after work, I want to find something that helps to keep my tummy full until dinner. Finally, I found this energy/protein ball recipe. These delicious chocolate balls are a little sweet, a little nutty, and a little crunchy.
They are extremely nutritious, packed of protein, fibre, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. No bake required !!!
Grinding the rolled oats and Chia Seeds in my blender.
Next, mix of all of the ingredients until well-blended.
Roll into 1-inch balls.
Do you have a favourite power/energy ball recipe? What is your pre/post-workout snack? Leave me a comment below and tell me what do you think about this high protein power/energy ball.
Couscous is cheap, healthy and very easy to make. This recipe is a delicious, hassle-free main/side dish that can be made within 20 minutes. A great idea for hot summer day. This salad is packed full of fibre including sweet peppers, raisins, chickpeas and nuts – amazing flavours that all work really well together.
What is Couscous?
Couscous is a staple food that comes from North Africa. Couscous is a coarsely ground pasta made from semolina (durum wheat flour – the same flour that pasta is made with).
In a servings of whole wheat couscous (1/2 cup cooked) provides 78 kcal, 17 grams of carbohydrate, 3.3 grams of protein and 2.2 grams of fibre.
Buying Guide
You can buy whole wheat couscous or white couscous. Couscous can be purchased in bulk or in boxes in the grocery store. If buying couscous in bulk, check that the bins are covered and that the store has a good turnover rate to ensure freshness. If you are buying packaged couscous, be sure to get whole wheat or whole grain. It is much higher in fibre and healthier.
Storing Guide
Whole wheat couscous should be refrigerated to prevent the natural fats in the grain from turning rancid. It can also be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark, dry place where they will keep for up to 6 months.
Preparing Guide
Due to the size, couscous can be cooked simply by soaking in boiling water, while pasta takes longer to cook. Add boiling water in a one to one ratio, cover and let stand for 5-10 minutes while the grain absorb the liquid. Couscous doubles in volume when it’s prepared.
Go with whole wheat couscous as it has more nutritional value. However, the overall nutrition of your meal will depend on what you put on top of your couscous. Couscous does not have a lot of flavour on its own, but it works well as a base for vegetables or meat dishes. It also mixes beautifully into salads and can be flavoured with herbs like basil, mint, or even with fruit like raisins or apricots. It is a very neutral and nutritious.
According to the new infant feeding guidelines, it is now recommended that babies be introduced to a variety of textures within the first few months of starting solids. Spoon-feeding purees is no longer the one and only way. In fact, you can jump right in with soft finger foods (Baby Led Weaning) if you feel comfortable with it.
As a dietitian, I’m often asked this question:
My baby doesn’t have any teeth yet? Can I give him finger foods?
Babies can enjoy soft finger foods before they have teeth. They can mash foods into smaller pieces using their gums.
Finger foods are small pieces of food that your baby can pick up and eat easily. Introducing finger foods early, soon after starting solids, helps your baby get used to different food textures, improve coordination and encourages self-feeding. These are important feeding skills. Most babies are ready for finger foods by 6-7 months, some babies start right at 6 months (BLW). Many won’t have teeth (or very many teeth) by this age.
You baby is likely ready for finger foods when you see the following:
He can sit upright with minimal support.
He is very interested in watching people eat and the food on your plate.
He can eat thicker purees (the consistency of mashed potatoes).
He can bring food to his mouth using his hand.
Choose soft foods that baby can grasp easily with fingers or hands. Offer your baby different kinds of finger foods from all 4 food groups.
Vegetables (soft cooked) and Fruits
Soft cooked vegetable (grating, cut into bite-sized pieces or strips): Carrot, broccoli, green beans, yam, sweet potato, potato, cauliflower, zucchini, squash
Soft, ripe, peeled fruit (grating, cut into bite-size pieces or strips): apple, pears, ripe slices of kiwi, mango, papaya, melon, cantaloupe, banana, fresh or canned unseated peaches, ripe avocado, oranges, thawed frozen fruit and berries
Seedless grapes don’t have to peel but should cut into four bite-size pieces
Grain Products
Whole wheat toast, bagels or buns (cut into strips)
Pieces of roti or tortilla
Unsweetened oat ring cereal like Cheerios
Cooked pasta
Rice balls
Milk Products
Grated or small cubes of pasteurized cheese
Meat & Meat Alternatives (soft and well cooked)
Ground meat or poultry
Small (pea sized) pieces of tender meat or poultry
Fish (de-bonded and flaked)
Quartered meatballs
Well cooked eggs (cut in to pieces)
Small cooked beans (black beans and navy beans)
Larger cooked beans (kidney beans – cut in half)
Smooth nut or seed butter (spread thinly on a cracker or bread to make it easier to swallow)
Mealtimes will be messy and slow at first. This is part of learning how to eat.
Hard and sticky foods can cause choking and should be avoided.
Whole nuts or seeds
Hard candies or jellybeans
No HONEY during baby’s first year. Honey may cause botulism, a type of food poisoning, that could make your baby sick.
It is amazing to watch what little ones can handle with their gum. So go ahead and offer finger food versions of a wide variety of food that your family eats. I enjoy watching my boy, Aiden, discovers the amazing variety of tastes and textures that food comes in.
Are you still waiting for your baby to get a tooth? For more help with baby led weaning and how to help you baby succeed with eating, be sure to check out my 3 months TRANSFORM program.
Last blog we discussed When to Introduce Your Baby Solid Foods. It is important to wait until healthy babies are at least 6 months old before starting solid foods to maximize exclusive breastfeeding and ensure their digestive systems are mature enough to handle solid foods.
Today, let’s talk about HOW to introduce solids. Get your camera ready, you’ll want to capture those funny faces your baby makes. Here are some tips to help make the transition to solids easier:
1. Choose a Good Mood
Introduce new foods when your baby is alert, relaxed and happy. Offering food after breastfeeding (waiting 60-90 minutes) or after a nap can increase the chance that your baby will try a new food.
2. Introduce 1 New Food a Day
Offering a variety of foods can set your baby up to be a more adventurous eater. The ONLY exception is highly allergenic foods. You can start introducing them around 6 months, but wait 1-2 days before adding another allergenic food to monitor for potential allergies.
3. Start with Small Amounts
Offer just 1-3 tsp (5-15 mL) of food. If baby shows signs of hunger, you can offer more.
4. Follow Baby’s Cues
Sit your baby in a high chair at approximately eye level. Hold the spoon a few inches in front of their mouth and wait for them to open up. Feed as slowly or quickly as they prefer and stop when they show signs of fullness. If you’re following Baby-Led Weaning approach, let your baby take the lead in eating. NEVER FORCE YOUR BABY TO EAT, AND REMEMBER NOT TO COMPARE YOUR BABY TO OTHERS.
5. Start with Once a Day
Begin by offering solid foods once daily. Soon, baby will be ready to eat more often. Gradually increase to 2 times per day, then to 3 times.
6. Offer New Flavours
Some babies are cautious eaters and need time to trust that a new food is safe. It can take multiple attempts (approximately 15 times) before they’re willing to eat a particular food.
7. Let Your Baby Explore
Expect a bit of a mess. Messy hands and faces help babies get used to new foods. So let them have fun with it.
8. Be Aware of Changing Appetite
Baby’s appetite will vary daily. From 6-12 months, they will gradually drink less breast milk and eat more solids.
Be mindful of your baby’s hunger and fullness cues. Avoid forcing or over-feeding.
Smiles, gazes or coos at the parent during mealtimes to show they wants to continue
Leans toward the spoon or food and opens their mouth
Reaches for or points to food
Shows excitement when food is offered
Focuses on and follows food with their eyes
Sucks or smacks lips
Uses words, sounds, or hand signs to indicate hunger or wanting more (older babies)
Slows pace of eating
Get distracted easily or shows uninterested in food
Moves head away from spoon or closes mouth
Bats at spoon or pushes it away
Pushes food away or throws it on the floor
Plays with food or fidgets
Closes or purses lips when offered food
Spit food out
Tries to leave the highchair
Uses words or signs to signal “all done” (older babies)
With so many baby-feeding products available, it can feel overwhelming to decide what you truly need to start solids. Here are the TOP 6 essential tools to help you get started:
1. High Chair or Booster Seat
I believe an actual high chair is a must-have. It’s helpful to have a dedicated seat for your baby, and the large high chair tray makes a great food-catcher. The IKEA Antilop high chair with tray is totally affordable.
A booster seat can easily strap onto your own chairs. This seat is foldable for easy storage. I’ve taken it along for visits to the grandparents and to restaurants – it’s super handy.
2. Bibs
You can certainly use the drooler/cloth bibs. However keep in mind they’ll need to be washed after each use.
I recommend getting a set of larger, waterproof, easy-to-clean feeding bibs. I prefer ones with big front pocket to catch any dropped food.
If your baby is an active explorer, your may prefer the Kushies Long Sleeved Waterproof Bib. It allows your little one to fully enjoy mealtimes without the worry of ruining their clothes.
3. Spoons
Make sure that any spoons you use are BPA-free. BPA is a harmful chemical found in some plastics that can leach into food when heated.
Munchkin 6-Pack Soft Tip Infant Spoon: These small, plastic-coated options are much gentle on tender gums. It’s helpful to have several on hand during feedings, one for you and one for baby, to encourage their sense of independence and avoid power struggles.
Once your baby is ready to try self-feeding, consider getting the OXO tot Fork & Spoon Set. This set makes it easy for young eaters to transition their food from bowl to mouth.
4. Dishes
When you first introduce solids, you will need a handful of small, BPA-free plastic bowls.
Calibowl. This deep bowl makes it easier for your baby to scoop up their food, while the super suction cup on the bottom prevents it from being tossed to the floor. It also includes fitted lids, making food storage a breeze.
Once your baby is ready to try self-feeding, consider picking up a divided plate like the OXO tot Divided Plate. I like the removable, raised outer ring. which helps keep food on the plate and guides it into utensils.
5. Straw Cup or Open Cup with/without handles
My son wasn’t a big fan of bottle, so I was very anxious to introduce a straw cup around 6 months. He would often bite on the straw, but he would sip from it occasionally. Using a straw cup does not present the same concerns as a sippy cup. In fact, It can help with oral motor skills development and reduce the risk of dental caries since the liquid doesn’t bathe the baby’s teeth. Here are three straw cups that I recommend:
Playtex Sipsters Stage 1 Straw Cup
Munchkin Click Lock Weighted Flexi Straw Trainer Cup
Playtex Sipsters Stage 3 Insulated Spill Proof Straw Cup
Offer water in an OPEN CUP as soon as your baby starts eating solids. Babies learn quickly how to drink from an open cup.
6. Snack Catcher
No more spilled snacks on the floor. This is the perfect solution for on-the-go situations, whether it’s a doctor’s appointment, shopping trip, grocery run, or evening walk.
Babies learn by observing those around them. When families eat together, it teaches babies that mealtime is a time to connect, share, and enjoy food.
As a PARENT;, your role is to choose WHAT foods to offer. As baby start to eat solid foods, your are responsible for WHEN and WHEREbaby is fed.
It is your BABY’S job to determine HOW MUCH they want to eat.
Trust your baby to recognize their hunger and fullness cues. This fosters mindful eating.
Introducing solids to your baby can be lot of fun. Be PATIENT and remember that it might take time for your baby to warm up to new foods; this is completely normal. If your baby enjoys every food from the first bite! Congratulations! you have a wonderful little eater.
Aiden turned TWO today. Whoa!! Happy Birthday to my little sweet heart.
I am not all about birthday parties for a lot of reasons, as I witness my parents and friends planning bigger and expensive parties, I am more sure than ever in my decision to keep birthdays simple. Birthday celebrations are meant to be fun. However, they often turn into expensive nightmares with wasted food and unnecessary gifts. They also come year after year, which means the waste continues for years to come!!
Last year, we did not throw a 1st birthday party for Aiden, as I know he’s not going to remember it. Also, I was lazy !! I am not going to lie, as a first-time mom, I almost surviving the first year as a stay-at-home-mom. And it’s not like we didn’t celebrate, on the day of his actual first birthday, mother-in-law cooked a bowl of noodles with an egg and a drumstick for his lunch. Later, hubby bought a small piece of birthday cake, we sang a birthday song, blew out the candle, and let him smash the cake. Then we went to our favourite sushi restaurant for supper. A few days later, we had another birthday celebration on family gathering, we ordered a special cake for Aiden.
This year, I was planning to bake a birthday cake for him, no birthday party, since he does not have any friends yet. When my colleague and I chatted about it, she suggested to take her granddaughters to come and celebrate the birthday of Aiden. Well, it is a super small party, just few adults and 3 small people.
A two-year old child can quickly become overwhelmed by having a lot of people around at once. My best is to keep the party short and simple. I quickly came out a menu and foods that I want to serve, went to dollar store to buy some birthday decorations.
Instead of serving a sit-down meal, make it easy on yourself by setting up a food table where adults can help themselves to grub as they wish.
As everyone know, the very best part of a birthday party is the cake. I always want to bake a cake for a significant other, now my dream comes true. This is the perfect recipe for a chocolate lover….also it is loaded with veggies!! Even my mum (she does not like sweet) loves it too!!
Dear Aiden, no matter how much you have grown, for us, you are always going to remain our dearest and smartest baby boy. As you blow the candle in your cake, always remember that your love is like a candle that will forever burn in our hearts. Happy Birthday, my little boy. Love.
Mother’s day is coming. As a proud mom of 2 years old toddler about to celebrate my second Mother’s Day, what I want most of all is for my hubby and son to remain healthy, safe and happy. Beyond that, I want a 8 hours sleep, a movie date night with hubby and a breakfast-in-bed on Mother’s Day.
There is nothing better than waking up to the smell of pancakes. This recipe has always been my all-time favourite pancake recipe. If you are allergic to eggs, try replace with flax eggs (1 tbsp of warm water and 3 tbsp of ground flax seed).
This is a super heart healthy pancakes, I used whole wheat flour and rolled oats which are high in fibre and some nuts (I used pecans). There was a canned peaches left in my pantry, so I decided to top up the fibre content.
What are your plans this weekend? What’s your favourite breakfast recipes? Let us celebrate Mother’s Day together, treat your mother or yourself on this special day with this super healthy recipe.
1egg (if your are allergic to egg, you can use flax egg instead: 1 tbsp ground flax seed + 3 tbsp warm water)
1cupwhole wheat flour
1tbsp baking powder
1tbsp granulated sugar
3/4cuprolled oats
1tsp vanilla extract
2tbsp olive oil (vegetables or canola oil are both fine)
1/3cupchopped pecans
In a small bowl, mix the ground flax seed and water. Stir well to combine and set aside to gel. Note: if you are using egg, you can skip to step 2.
In a large bowl, combine the whole wheat flour, baking powder, and sugar. Add the rolled oats until well combined.
Stir in the egg (or flax egg). milk, vanilla extract, and oil. Add the pecans and stir to combine.
Spray a non-stick skillet with cooking oil and add approx. 1/3 cup of batter to the pan. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until you lightly browned. Flip and cook on the second side until lightly browned.
Lately, I’ve come across many questions from parents wondering about the right age to start introducing solid foods. Some experts and older guidelines suggest introducing solids between 4 and 6 months, while certain parenting websites say 4 months. Sometimes, this advice even comes from a doctor or other health professionals. Many of us, especially those raised in the 80’s, may have started eating solid foods as early as 2 to 4 months because our parents followed older recommendations. As a first time mom, I totally understand the eagerness to start solids – especially with friends and family sharing plenty of “advices” and “opinions”. It’s easy to start thinking, “maybe 4 months is the right time!” With so many conflicting recommendations, it’s no wonder today’s parents are feeling confused.
Introducing solid foods to babies isn’t just about adding variety; it’s essential for both nutritionaland developmental reasons. Breast milk or formula will still be a main source of nutrition during the first year, but starting solids around 6 months helps meet growing needs that milk alone can’t fulfill.
1. Nutritional Reasons
Iron Needs: By 7 months, babies’ natural iron stores begin to deplete, and they need iron-rich foods to support healthy growth and brain development.
Critical Nutrients: Beyond iron, there’s an increased need for other key nutrients like protein, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and additional energy to fuel their development and growing curiosity.
2. Developmental Reasons
Biting and Chewing: Starting solids helps babies practice essential skills, like biting and chewing, which play a big role in speech and jaw development.
Oral and Motor Skills: Eating solids encourages the development of muscles around the mouth and fine motor skills as babies learn to pick up food, bring it to their mouths, and chew.
Here are some common reasons parents introduce solids before the 6-month mark:
My baby is too big
My baby is too small and tiny
My baby seems hungry (increased breastfeeding demand)
My baby wakes up multiple times a night
My doctor recommended starting solids
My baby wanted the food I was eating
I wanted to offer something (iron rich foods) alongside breast milk or formula
For those common reasons parents consider introducing solids early, it’s important to remember that breast milk (or formula) provides more calories and far more essential nutrients than any solid food can at this stage. Breast milk is designed to meet a baby’s needs perfectly, offering a balance of calories, fats, proteins, and vitamins that’s challenging to match with solids. Even if your baby is showing increased hunger, breast milk or formula is usually enough to satisfy them until they reach around 6 months.
In light of all this, it’s completely understandable why so many parents are questioning when to begin solids. Next, I’ll dive into why waiting until around 6 months is often best for your baby’s development and health.
Starting solids too early—before 4 months (17 weeks)—can pose several health risks. Research shows that introducing solids TOO EARLY can increase the chances of:
Infections and Digestive Issues: Babies’ digestive systems are still maturing, and introducing solids too soon may cause gastrointestinal discomfort and infections.
Food Allergies: Introducing certain foods too early can increase the risk of developing food allergies later on.
Obesity: Early solid feeding can influence long-term eating behaviors, potentially contributing to a higher risk of childhood obesity.
Kidney Strain: Babies’ kidneys aren’t fully developed in the first few months, and early solids can strain these organs, leading to imbalances in minerals they’re not yet ready to process.
Reduced Breast Milk Intake: Solids may replace breast milk in the baby’s diet, potentially reducing milk supply and lowering access to the essential nutrients and antibodies breast milk provides.
Choking Risk: Babies’ swallowing and chewing reflexes are not fully developed before 4 to 6 months, increasing the risk of choking on solid foods.
Waiting too long to introduce solids—beyond 7 months—can present its own set of challenges. By this age, babies start needing additional nutrients that breast milk or formula alone may not fully supply. Research shows that delaying solids past 7 months can increase the risk of:
Iron Deficiency: Babies’ iron stores begin to deplete around this time, and solids provide essential dietary iron that helps prevent deficiency.
Food Allergies: Both early and delayed introduction to certain foods are associated with a higher risk of developing allergies.
Texture Sensitivity and Food Fussiness: Delayed exposure may make it more challenging for babies to accept new textures and flavors, potentially leading to picky eating.
Difficulty with Essential Nutrients: Waiting too long can mean babies miss out on critical nutrients like iron and zinc, which support growth, brain development, and immune function.
Top health organizations recommend introducing solids around 6 months when babies show signs of readiness.
Australian National Health and Medical Research Council
The AAP Section on Breastfeeding
American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
These guidelines advocate for exclusive breastfeeding until around 6 months to ensure the digestive system is mature enough to handle solid and to protect against gastrointestinal and respiratory infections (APP 2012, Nylor & Morrow, 2001).
Exclusive breastfeeding or formula feeding for the first 6 months provides all the essential nutrients a baby needs, with breast milk or formula remaining their primary nutrition source until they reach this milestone.
Watch for SIGNS that your baby is getting ready to start solids:
Around 6 months of age
Sitting with minimal support (with pillow or towel)
Good head and neck control, able to hold head upright and steady
Bringing hands and toys to their mouth
Appears interested in food, possibly by reaching for or leaning forward towards food
It’s important to consider your baby’s gestational age when deciding when to introduce solids. Premature babies may not be neurologically or physically ready for solids until approximately 6 months after their original due date, rather than their birth date. For instance, my elder son, born 2 weeks early, began solids about two weeks after turning 6 months. Similarly, Audrey and Avery, born 4 weeks early, started solids around 6.5 months. Adjusting based on gestational age allows babies to begin solids when their developmental milestones and readiness are more in line with their age-adjusted peers.
What you can do If your baby is showing obvious signs of being ready for solids about 4-6 months?
It’s common for babies around 4 to 5 month to show interest in mealtimes such as reaching for food. However, this curiosity doesn’t necessarily mean they’re ready for solids. In fact, it is part of their normal development to explore by putting objects in their mouths. Here are some ways to involve your baby in mealtimes without introducing solids:
Include Them at the Table: Let your baby join family meals in a booster seat or high chair. This gets them used to mealtime routines and sitting in their designated seat, preparing them for when it’s time to start solids.
Provide Safe Utensils: Give your baby spoons, cups, or bowls to play with during mealtimes. This helps them get familiar with eating utensils in a fun and exploratory way.
Introduce Open Cups: Offering small amounts of water or expressed breast milk (1-3 oz) in an open cup starting at 6 months is considered beneficial. This lets your baby practice drinking skills while engaging at the table without starting on solid foods.
Most babies are developmentally and physiologically ready to start eating solid foods between 6 and 8 months of age. It’s important to look for signs of readiness rather than strictly following a calendar. Remember, the decision to start solids shouldn’t come from pressure from parents or in-laws but should be based on your baby’s cues.
Baby, BonAppétit !!
My children love making a mess during mealtime, and that’s perfectly normal! It’s all part of the learning process as he explores new textures and flavors.
AidenAvery and Audrey
As you embark on this exciting journey of introducing solid foods to your little one, remember that patience and observation are key. Every baby is unique, so trust their cues and enjoy the experience of discovering new flavors and textures together.
For more tips, resources, and support on feeding your baby and fostering healthy eating habits, be sure to check out my Instagram. Happy feeding!
You may hear that eating chocolate is good for your health because of compounds call FLAVONOIDS. Flavonoids are antioxidants that help the body repair damaged cells, which may reduce the risk of heart disease and other chronic disease.
Types of Chocolate
Cocoa Powder and Dark Chocolate: they are the least processed, have the highest levels of flavonoids and may offer the greatest potential health benefits.
Milk Chocolate and White Chocolate: they are not the good sources of flavonoids , therefore, they only offer a little health benefits.
I crave for chocolate once in a while. There is no cookies left in the freezer, I think it is time to make another batch for my son and myself. This recipe is so easy and quick that you can have a batch of healthy cookie done by nap time is over. I use whole wheat flour and rolled oats instead of white flour; dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. These would be perfect for when you are craving for chocolate but still have a healthier cookie.
It is good to know that chocolate contains ingredients beneficial to your health. However, it does not mean you should go ahead and eat more chocolate products. Chocolate candies and bars are often high in calorie, fat and sugar. MODERATION is the key. It is okay to have a small piece of chocolate once in a while, you can choose dark chocolate (at least 60% cocoa solids) for its higher flavonoid content.
I was extremely busy for the past two weeks. No time for baking and trying new recipes. Last two weekends were busy on the photography workshop. Also, I am trying to plan a busy weekend for Aiden, we decided to go swimming every Sunday. He loves to play in the water. This entire week, I attend some free yoga classes like Aerial Yoga and Acro Yoga. I love trying new thing, especially yoga, it allows me to find my own potential.
Grind rolled oats in a food processor. In a small bowl, mix the whole wheat flour, baking soda and salt and oats together until well blended.
In another large bowl, beat non-hydrogenated margarine with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add olive oil, brown sugar, egg and vanilla. Beat on low speed until smooth and creamy.
Add the dry mixture to the wet mixture, beating on low speed until well combined. (I just do all this by hand.)
Once it is mixed, stir in cranberries until well blended. You can also stir in the dark chocolate now but I prefer to add them at the same time when I am forming the cookie dough, I can control how many chocolate chips in one cookie. I made few cookies without chocolate chips for my son.
Chill for 1 hour.
Drop the dough by heaping tablespoonfuls (15 mL), about 1 inch apart, onto baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Bake for 15 minutes until firm around the edge and golden on top. Make about 30-35 cookies.
Let cool slightly on the baking sheet then transfer to a wire cooking rack.
It is good to know that chocolate contains ingredients beneficial to your health. However, it does not mean you should go ahead and eat more chocolate products. Chocolate candies and bars are often high in calorie, fat and sugar. MODERATION is the key. It is okay to have a small piece of chocolate once in a while, you can choose dark chocolate (at least 60% cocoa solids) for its higher flavonoid content.