We all want our children to learn about nutrition in a fun, creative, and entertaining way. Combine story time with educating children about nutrition, and you have a recipe for success.
It is important to remember that just reading to your children is success itself. Don’t let technicalities or worrying about “doing it the right way”, get in the way of doing it at all. Children love to listen to stories and learn. They love a good character and a fun adventure.
- Humor
- An interesting story
- Interesting illustrations
- How to overcome challenges
- The opportunity for ongoing conversation (ex: what would you do?)
- A message about nutrition
- Repetition is key! You may get tired of the same books every night, but repetition helps children learn.
- Be dramatic! Change your voice to reflect emotion and emphasize different points of the story.
- Let your children repeat back to you. Mimicking is a powerful tool for learning.
- Point to the pictures as you identify and say what they are (point to an apple, when you say the word, Apple). This is great for stories that are mostly pictures, like Eating the Alphabet. Don’t just say “banana”, point to it as well!
- Don’t rush through it! I know it’s tempting to skip pages and rush through bedtime stories, but get to bed 10-15 minutes earlier than normal and enjoy the time together. Remember, they are only little once, and they won’t be as attentive to story time when they are teens!
- Discuss the story after you read it. Talk about what they learned, and what changes they can make to their diet to reflect the lessons they learned.
I’ve put together a reading list for kids including 52 children’s books (26 English and 26 Chinese books) about nutrition to help you entertain and educate at the same time.
These children books include information about healthy eating, where food comes from, how to prepare it, how foods digest in our body, and more.

- Bread and Jam for Frances by Russell Hoban
Frances is a fussy eater. In fact, the only thing she likes is bread and jam. She won’t touch her squishy soft-boiled egg. She trades away her chicken-salad sandwich at lunch. She turns up her nose at boring veal cutlets. Unless Mother can come up with a plan, Frances just might go on eating bread and jam forever! It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets! by Stacy C. Bauer
Cami Kangaroo loves sweets. In fact, she can’t stop thinking about them. She loves them sooo much, that even after Mommy catches her eating from a bucket of ice cream, she still finds ways to sneak them. Will Cami ever be able to follow the rules about junk food? It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett
The tiny town of Chewandswallow was very much like any other tiny town except for its weather which came three times a day, at breakfast, lunch and dinner. But it never rained rain and it never snowed snow and it never blew just wind. It rained things like soup and juice. It snowed things like mashed potatoes. And sometimes the wind blew in storms of hamburgers. Life for the townspeople was delicious until the weather took a turn for the worse. The food got larger and larger and so did the portions. Chewandswallow was plagued by damaging floods and storms of huge food. The town was a mess and the people feared for their lives. Something had to be done, and in a hurry. It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- Creepy Carrots! by Aaron Reynolds
Jasper Rabbit loves carrots—especially Crackenhopper Field carrots. He eats them on the way to school. He eats them going to Little League. He eats them walking home. Until the day the carrots start following him…or are they? It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- Daisy Eat Your Peas by Kes Gray 吃掉你的豌豆
Daisy doesn’t like peas. And there is nothing that will get her to eat them. Mum says she can have an extra pudding, a chocolate factory or a space rocket with double retro laser blammers – but it just won’t work! Can quick-thinking Daisy save her tea time and come up with a cunning plan to turn the tables on Mum? This wickedly funny story will appeal to cheeky children everywhere (especially fussy eaters!). It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- D.W. The Picky Eater by Marc Brown
D.W. is very picky about what she eats. She doesn’t seem to like anything. Her dining out days with her family are cut short when she refuses to eat her salad and flings it to the floor. Will her table manners improve in time for her Grandma Thora’s special dinner out? It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
This is a more of a picture book, but kids enjoy reading and seeing all the foods that are associated with each letter. A glossary at the end provides interesting facts about each food. It is great for kids ages 2-3 years old.

- Good Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell
A practical, hands-on tool for families who want to eat a healthy diet, this book explains nutrition from carrots to cookies. This book is good for ages 4-8 years.

- Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
Have you ever tried green eggs and ham? Sam-I-Am suggests all kinds of ways to try green eggs and ham. This classic Dr. Seuss book is a staple for beginner and emergent readers. This book is good for ages 4-8 years.

- Gregory, the Terrible Eater by Mitchell Sharmat
Gregory isn’t like most goats. Instead of indulging in delicacies like old shoes, boxes, and bottle caps, he prefers to eat fruits, vegetables, eggs, and fish. Mother Goat and Father Goat are disgusted, and after several attempts to get Gregory to eat like a proper goat, they finally take him to see Dr. Ram. But when Gregory finally develops a taste for flat tires and broken violins, he’s not just eating like a goat—he’s eating like a pig! Will Gregory be able to find a healthy balance before he eats everything in the house? It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- How Did that Get in My Lunchbox? by Chris Butterworth 餐盒里食物的故事
One of the best parts of a young child’s day is opening a lunchbox and diving in. But how did that delicious food get there? From planting wheat to mixing dough, climbing trees to machine-squeezing fruit, picking cocoa pods to stirring a vat of melted bliss, here is a clear, engaging look at the steps involved in producing some common foods. Health tips and a peek at basic food groups complete the menu. This book is good for ages 4-8 years.

- How to Feed Your Parents by Ryan Miller
Who’s the picky eater? Not Matilda! A little girl with adventurous tastes turns the tables on her food-fussy parents and teaches them that dinner can be more than chicken nuggets. Matilda Macaroni loves to try new foods, whether it’s her grandma’s jambalaya or sushi at a sleepover. But, in this fun, twisted picture book, it’s finicky mom and dad–not the child–who eat only pizza with pepperoni (delivered), burgers from a bag, or noodles from a box. Eager to experience new flavors, Matilda secretly sets out to learn how to cook, satisfy her hunger for something more . . . and expand her parents’ palates, too. There’s also a Macaroni family recipe for quiche that young cooks can try!

- If You Give a Cat a Cupcake by Laura Numeroff
If you give a cat a cupcake, he’ll ask for some sprinkles to go with it. When you give him the sprinkles, he might spill some on the floor. Cleaning up will make him hot, so you’ll give him a bathing suit . . .It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- If You Give a Dog a Donut by Laura Numeroff
If you give a dog a donut, he’ll ask for some apple juice to go with it. When you give him the juice, he’ll drink it all up. Then, before you can say “Woof” . . . Dog is off on a backyard adventure! It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- If You Give a Moose a Cookie by Laura Numeroff
If you give him a cookie, he’ll ask for a glass of milk. He’ll want to look in a mirror to make sure he doesn’t have a milk mustache, and then he’ll ask for a pair of scissors to give himself a trim….It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- If Your Give Mouse a Muffin by Laura Numeroff
If a big hungry moose comes to visit, you might give him a muffin to make him feel at home. If you give him a muffin, he’ll want some jam to go with it. When he’s eaten all your muffins, he’ll want to go to the store to get some more muffin mix. It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- If You Give a Pig a Pancake by Laura Numeroff
If you give a pig a pancake, she’ll want some syrup to go with it. You’ll give her some of your favorite maple syrup, and she’ll probably get all sticky, so she’ll want to take a bath. She’ll ask you for some bubbles. When you give her the bubbles… It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- I will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato by Lauren Child 我绝对绝对不吃番茄
Lola is a fussy eater. A very fussy eater. She won’t eat her carrots (until her brother Charlie reveals that they’re orange twiglets from Jupiter). She won’t eat her mashed potatoes (until Charlie explains that they’re cloud fluff from the pointiest peak of Mount Fuji). There are many things Lola won’t eat, including — and especially —tomatoes. Or will she? Two endearing siblings star in a witty story about the triumph of imagination over proclivity. It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.
Charlie和Lola 是一对兄妹,Lola是个非常挑食的小姑娘,有一天她的哥哥Charlie负责看她吃饭,面对Lola对各种蔬菜的抗拒,Charlie充分发挥自己的想象力,给胡萝卜(木星上的橙色树枝)、豌豆(绿色的雨)、土豆泥(富士山上的云)等蔬菜都编了个有趣的来历,于是Lola就愉快地吃下去了。

- Llama Llama Yum Yum Yum! by Anna Dewdney
Get cooking with Llama Llama in this scratch-and-sniff board book! Llama Llama and his Mama are in the kitchen whipping up some delicious treats! Join in the fun by reading along with this super-sweet story and scratching and sniffing the fun scents on each spread, like pickles and ice cream sundaes! It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- Lulu’s Lunch by Camilla Reid
An action-packed activity book perfect for all toddlers. Join Lulu on her exciting edible day as she discovers sticky honey, a banana to peel, a picnic box to unpack and a brilliant finale – a plate full of spaghetti! It is great for kids ages 0-3 years old.

- Pancakes, Pancakes! by Eric Carle
Jack is so hungry that what he really wants is a large pancake for breakfast. Join Jack as he starts from scratch to help make his very own breakfast pancake! It is great for kids ages 4-8 years old.

- Picky Nicky by Cathy East Dubowski
Picky eater Nicky declares that she would rather eat bees and parrots than peas and carrots until her inventive family devises a clever plan to overcome her finicky habits. It is great for kids ages 3-5 years old.

- The Berenstain Bears & Too Much Junk Food by Stan and Jan Berenstain
Papa, Brother, and Sister are eating way too much junk food, and it’s up to Mama and Dr. Grizzly to help them understand the importance of nutritious foods and exercise. This story book is a perfect way to teach children about the importance of eating healthy and staying active! It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
A children’s classic about a caterpillar who eats his way through the pages of the book. It is great for kids ages 0-5 years old.

- Where Do Bananas Come From? by Arielle Lebovitz
A Book of Fruits is the fruit edition in a series of children’s nutrition books for kids ages 4 and up. This colorful and playful guidebook introduces 108 fruits with full-color photography and charming illustrations. Learn fun facts from farm to table, fruit seasonality, nutrition information, an introduction to cooking with tasty recipes, and how to pick, store, and eat fruits too.
Kids will explore new fruits through experience-based learning with 100 descriptive words to guide their five senses on endless food adventures. It is great for kids ages 4-12 years old.

- Where Does Broccoli Come From? by Arielle Lebovitz
A Book of Vegetables is the vegetable edition in a series of children’s nutrition books for kids ages 4 and up. This colorful and playful guidebook introduces 102 veggies with full-color photography and charming illustrations. Learn fun facts from farm to table, vegetable seasonality, nutrition information, an introduction to cooking with tasty recipes, and how to pick, store, and eat veggies too.
Kids will explore new vegetables through experience-based learning with 100 descriptive words to guide their five senses on endless food adventures. It is great for kids ages 4-12 years old.

种蔬菜的农夫在河边捡到了一只小鳄鱼,于是每天喂他吃各种蔬菜,吃得小鳄鱼又大又强壮。有一天小镇来了一个医生,检查出全镇的人肚子里都有咕噜咕噜的怪声, 了解到是因为大家都不吃蔬菜,导致便秘的问题,因此肚子里有很多细菌,以致于发出咕噜咕噜的声音;但是又发现小鳄鱼的肚子里很干净、很健康,只有他 一个人没有咕噜咕噜的怪声。

在 一座长满各种水果的森林里,住着一只爱吃水果的牛,主人每天喂它各种好吃的水果,日子久了,这只牛就变得既健康又强壮。有一天,主人和邻居们,都因平日营养摄取不均衡,加上天气多变化而感冒了,大家都倒在床上动弹不得,幸亏有 “爱吃水果的牛” 每天提供大家各种好喝又营养的 “香蕉牛奶” “苹果牛奶”,大家才恢复昔日的健康,又变得生龙活虎的了!



- 汉堡男孩 Burger Boy by 艾伦•杜兰 (Alan Durant)
维尼讨厌蔬菜。他不喜欢红萝卜。也不喜欢各种各样的蔬菜。维尼喜欢汉堡。汉堡是维尼的最爱。其实维尼的食物名单只有汉堡而已。“总有一天,你会变成一个大汉堡!” 妈妈警告他。有一天,维尼竟然真的变成汉堡了。狗狗、牛、小男孩都追着他,想一口吃了他,维尼怎么办?妈妈能把他救回来吗?




- 山姆吃饭了Sam, Go to Eat by (加)奥德里奇•加西亚


弗莱娅的胃口原本要多好有多好,可突然有一天,她向大家宣布:“你们做的饭一点儿也不好吃。” 第二天她连香肠也不喜欢了。没多久,她就变得很瘦。妈妈无奈之下只好给外婆打电话讨救兵。“把弗莱娅送到我这儿来吧,我们会调教好她的,这个挑剔的小东西。” 于是, 弗莱娅动身去外婆外公家享受无上美味去了——在那儿,她还将学到一点令她终身难忘的东西。

- 不一样的小公主:公主小姐不想吃饭 by (法)克里斯汀•诺曼•维拉蒙

- 我可不吃那个!I won’t Eat That ! by (美)克里斯托弗•赛拉斯•尼尔







- 小豆子豆豆 Little Pea by (美)艾米·科考斯·罗森塔尔 Amy Krouse Rosenthal






Let me know what you think! Is there a book you love that’s not on this list?