A common concern of new mothers is losing the weight gained during pregnancy.
How much weight to lose after the birth of your baby is associated with how much weight you gained during pregnancy. If you gained more weight than recommended, it may take longer to lose it. That weight did not get put on overnight (it took 9 months to get there, remember!!) and time will be needed for the weight to be lost. So, patience is important. This is one reason it is advised that women do not exceed the recommended pregnancy weight gain.
The longer you keep extra weight on, the less likely you are to lose it.
To help you achieve a gradual, healthy weight loss, make small changes to your eating and physical activity habits. Here are 10 simple and easy ways to shed your baby weight while taking care of your new bundle of joy.
You’re busy with your new baby and lack of sleep. So, it’s understandable if it seems easier to skip breakfast or lunch and eat large portion in long intervals of time. Don’t make it a habit.
Eating a healthy breakfast containing protein can help you to control your appetites and cravings all day, and prevents unhealthy snacking later in the day and into the evening. It also gives your metabolisms a kick-start first thing in the morning. I know how easy it is to get caught up in morning survival-mode with babies and toddlers, so having something quick and easy to grab like a overnight oat that was made the night before or smoothie, may come in handy.

You’ll need around an extra 350 kcal a day to have the energy to produce milk. Choosing the right foods – vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein and dairy, focusing on eating foods that are rich in iron, protein and calcium for energy and milk stimulation.
- Iron rich foods include lean meats, eggs, beans, lentils, dark-leafy green vegetables, whole grain products. The best way for a body to absorb iron is by combining foods high in iron with foods high in vitamin C (like citrus fruits).
- Include protein at each meal, such as lean meat, eggs, dairy, beans, lentils, and seafood low in mercury.
- Calcium is found in dairy products (milk, yogurt, and cheese), as well as tofu, leafy-green vegetables and calcium-fortified or enriched cereals, soy milk and soy yogurt.
- Eat foods high in fibre. Consume at least 2 cups of fruits and 2 – 3 cups of vegetables per day.
- Continue taking your prenatal multivitamins.
Six months postpartum, I eat small portion but frequent meals to keep my energy intake up. The goal is to stop buying all the junk food (empty calorie foods). I listen to my hunger cues and choose healthy snacks, such as fresh fruit, nuts, greek yogurt with granola, hummus with vegetables or a protein bar/ball (recipe, recipe), lactation cookies.
If you’re able to breastfeed, it will definitely help you in the postpartum weight loss. Aside from the many benefits of breastfeeding, you will also burn up to 500 extra calories per day, some of which comes from the body’s fat that built up during pregnancy.
Wait until breastfeeding is going really well (baby is 4 months old) before trying to lose weight. A weight loss between 0.5 kg and 1 kg (~ 1 – 2 lbs) a week is safe and shouldn’t impact your milk supply. If you notice a change in your milk supply, talk to your doctor or dietitian.
A diet that is too low in calories and nutrients can affect the quality of your breastmilk.
During labor, a woman loses an incredible amount of fluids and blood. Drinking enough water is not only crucial for maintaining your milk supply, for proper digestion and for staying hydrated, but it’s also important for losing weight.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
I know, you are trying to get your chores done – washing dishes/bottles, laundry, pumping breastmilk, cleaning the house, cooking etc. I remember my first 3 months postpartum life was breastfeeding, eating and sleeping, even though my mom provided help. I was so easy to get distracted, I wolfed my meals down without chewing, and ran to my crying baby.
Distracted eaters tend to eat more food in one sitting than people who are paying attention to their food.
This study shows mindful eating approach may encourage postpartum weight loss without weighing, measuring, recording and assessing dietary intake. Here are my mindful eating tips:
- Relax before eating. Breathe deeply for one minute, or bless your food before picking up your fork. This time will allow you to become aware of how hungry you actually are.
- Put food on a plate and sit down at the table.
- Try to place your eating utensil down with each bite. Take at least 20 minutes to eat your meal.
- Avoid distractions when eating, such as phone calls, radio, TV, and reading. These diminish the experience of eating. Pay attention to the texture, color, flavor, and temperature of your food. You will be more aware of your hunger level if you pay attention as you eat.
- Use smaller plates. By using smaller plates and bowls, you will automatically serve yourself less, but still feel like you’re having a satisfying amount of food.
Exercise can help tackle postpartum depression, improve the mood, reduce stress and boost the confidence. Finding time to exercise is one of the biggest issues new moms face when losing weight after childbirth.
After recovering from delivery (which may take a couple month or you doctor says it’s ok), find a perfect workout plan that suits your schedule and personality. There are so many options when it comes to exercising but the best option is the one that YOU will enjoy the most.
Walking may be the perfect postpartum activity because it’s easy to do, not strenuous and can include baby (in a stroller). You can incorporate weigh lifting or a resistance routine (such as yoga or using exerics bands) once you regain your strength and your baby is a little older. The goal should be to enjoy your alone time and get your body moving for at least 10-30 minutes, 3 times a week. That is only 30-90 minutes for the whole week!
Educate yourself about nutrition, not diets. It is easy slip into the “I want to lose weight fast” mentality. Most fad diets restrict certain food groups and portions, which result in quick weight loss but impossible to sustain. This is the main reason why people on fad diets end up regaining the weight they lost. This also damage health in the long run and your self-esteem.
This is why I really recommend seeing a dietitian. As much as you can Google nutrition tips, the guidance of a dietitian can help provide you with personalized nutrition information that is right for YOU.
This study found that mums who slept five or less hours per night were more likely to hold onto their extra baby weight – This is because when you’re sleep deprived, your body releases the stress hormone cortisol, which can promote weight gain around your belly.
If you are a new mom or a mom of two or three, that doesn’t mean that you can neglect your own health. Your well-being is just as important as your child’s well-being. I truly believe that part of being a good mom or new mom means taking care of myself, and slowly getting back to my healthy and comfortable weight is part of that. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not bouncing back as quickly as you’d like.
Having a baby not only changes your life but also bring about many changes in your body including the weight gain. It is not easy to take care of yourself with a new baby. Having a Chinese culture background, I view the first 3 months postpartum as recovery. The focus should be on eating for energy, physical and emotional recovery, rather than weight loss.
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