
Top 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Wait Until January to Make Your Workout Resolution

The holiday season is here. I know I’m going to be eating more than usual. Why bother trying to lose weight or get in shape right now? I’ll just make it my New Year’s resolution (or start after the holidays).

If you are one of the millions of people who are determined to shake off a few extra pounds now—but are looking to do that starting January 1, as a “fresh start”— YOU ARE NOT ALONE.


January 1 – I’m really going to do it this time !! 

Mid-January: There’s not enough time for all these workouts! And who has time to cook and prep leftover to work every day? Ugh ! 

Sometimes in February – Feeling kind of bad about myself …nothing accomplished

January 1 – This time I will really do it ! 

Despite our best efforts, it can be hard to keep those New Year’s resolutions more than 2 months. We often set our goals just a bit too high. When we don’t meet them, we may give up. It is important to think of health and fitness as a lifestyle not as a yearlong pursuit.


1. You’ll manage holiday stress

Exercise is a stress reliever. The endorphins you generate with a workout can help you find your inner peace during the holiday madness. Plus it is one way to release stress in a positive way than going off the wall.

2. You’ll avoid holiday guilt

Homemade cookies or sweets only come around once a year. If you’re prioritizing fitness, you’ll actually be less likely to overindulge. Research shows that people who work out in the morning make healthier decisions throughout the day. In the meantime, you don’t have to deprive yourself during the holidays. Read How to Enjoy All Your Holiday Parties without Gaining Weight.

3. You’ll have the gym to yourself

While everyone else is nursing a hangover or untangling Christmas lights, you’ll enjoy a quiet gym. You will have plenty of time to learn how to use the equipment before all the resolution-goers show up in January. It is a great time to try out the elliptical !!

4. You’ll jump start your 2018 goals

Who says you need to wait until the new year to get healthy? If you start now, you’ll already be in the right mindset for creating a health and fitness plan that can take you through the rest of your life. If you are a beginner, make your plan challenging yet something that you can maintain on a daily basis. Just 15 minutes is enough to push you to a right track.

5. You’ll save big money

The best time to save money when joining a gym is to do it in December. That’s when they offer promotions. You can save more money if you sign a longer membership contract, which you can use as motivation to keep going. So it’s the perfect time to snag that membership or some new gear. You can get a family pass or 2 annual memberships for one super low price, so you can cross someone off your gifting list while you’re at it.


The sooner you start your health and fitness goal, the sooner you will be able to enjoy a happier, healthier life.

There is no such thing as a “prefect time” to change your lifestyle to a healthy one.

You don’t have to wait until New Years to finally make the resolution to be a healthier person. Take advantages of fitness opportunities of the season and slide into the New Year in better shape.

Are you struggle with weight loss? Ditch the diets, be a mindful eater. Contact Me about starting a 3 months TRANSFORM Program.

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